"Yum-yum." My sweet Lucky, a wild tree squirrel, is living in a Present Moment.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Free from Known

We went to Adyashanti's satsang.  He is my favorite teacher.
He talked about how the mind hold illutionary fact and make up stories.  We almost never see things as they are.  We always make stories about whatever we see.  We are living in stories we make up all the time.  We think we know ourselves and people who are very close to us, but everything is just based on data we have received in the past.  It is our mind's creation. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Life Purpose

I asked a question to Robert Sheinfeld the other day.  If we are part of Consciousness (what he calls, True Creative Essence), is there such a thing as life purpose or life mission exist in our life?
He tweeted a message today, which says;

You WILL do whatever you're meant to do to fulfill your life purpose whether you're consicously aware of your purpose in life or not.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Go with the Flow

I am getting to know little by little that there is no so to speak individual "me" and "I" am part of  Consciousness.  The beliefs, social norms, rules, cultures, educations, ... in this physical "illusionary" world almost all may be sort of against our true nature.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What Happiness Means

It is a so banal question.  What does happiness mean?
I re-realized it when I watched Robert Sheinfeld's video.  People want more money, more material things, good job, good fame or reputation, good relationships ... endless.  Why?  Ultimately, because we all want to be happy.  More money means more power to buy anything we want, which can surely satisfy our desire.  We believe such satisfaction means happiness.  Whenever we chase that kind of satisfaction, we could never be fully satisfied with our life, though. 

Living Effortlessly

Joel and I sometime have a talk about "effortless."
How is the state of living effortlessly?  Effortless doesn't mean that we don't make any effort at all.  If we do something we are really interested in or are inspired about, we don't feel we are making any effort.  We just do it.  On the other hand, when we have to make efforts to do something that we don't really want to do or are not very interested in, we really need to push ourselves to complete the task.  In that case, it does involve focused effort.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Games everywhere

Since I read Robert Scheinfeld's book and started his online course, I get to see everything as Human Game. 
In my job I just started, I am reviewing business documents like sales strategy, competitions, negotiations on deals, ...etc.  People on the documents are at higher positions in companies, and they play important roles in their business. 
They devote their lives on the business, but now from my viewpoints, they are controlled by the business game.  They never know their lives are controlled...
Almost all successful business people should never know they are in the Human Game.  They should be too busy to take a moment to contemplate who really they are...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Where is the humanity?

We went to a satsang of Jac O'Keafe last night.
I was surprised to see her.  She is a young lady (20s), doesn't look like a typical spiritual teacher.  The way she speaks doesn't like a spiritual teacher, either.She is very sharp and clear, and talks very confidently and is forward with her answer.  I believe she got enlightened, but I couldn't feel profound energy from her.
What she was teaching has a lot of similarity to Robert Scheifeld's.  She often uses the word "movie" for the reality where we are living, just like a hologram that Robert uses.
She emphasized there is no "I" and big consciousness is just there.  Everything is just happening.  No context.  No concept.  Any concept is intellectual creation of our mind. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dissociation between True Self and separate self

Joel provided me a very interesting topic this morning, "Spiritual path can be a bypass of psychological problems?", which made me think if spiritual seeking can be escape from the "reality."
Many people tend to get into a spiritual seeking because they have so much pain and suffering in their real life.  It could be relationship issues, mental sickness, failure of work, or whatever.
The concept that "I" am not this small "me" who is suffering from any problem, but "I" am far bigger than this ego, our True Self is Consciousness, Awareness, Oneness, and Creator Itself could rescue us from suffering, denying or dumping our small self or ego.  Because I don't like it, "I" don't want to identify "myself" with that.  In that way, we "escape" from identifying ourselves with this individual self, because we don't want to admit that the imperfect individual self exists.

Deep acceptance

Joel and I went to a satsang of Jeff Foster last night.
He kept talking about deep acceptance, using a metaphor of the ocean and waves.  Just like waves on the ocean, variety of emotions or incidents could arrise, but without discriminating something unfavorable or uncomfortable from the others, just accept everything as it is.  Without judging it, just accept it.
I see similarity everywhere, though words used are different.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just as it is

Everything is supposed to be simple, beautiful, and perfect just as it is.  Once we go against the natural state or flow, that is, how it should be, distortion occurs, which causes problem or suffering.  Distortion is rationalized by any kind of belief and concepts, and we believe the distortion is the mainstream of our life.
We totally forget the truly natural state.  That's the world where we live, I think.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Simple is not easy

Spiritual teachers say it is simple.  Just be aware.  Be in a moment. 
Aikido sensei says it is simple.  Technique is from simple and natural movements of the body.
But, simple doesn't mean easy.  We have been trained how we make and see things complicated since we were kids.  Everything is not supposed to be that simple. 
The nature is simple, then we don't know how we can be simple like the nature. 
We need to take off a lot of coats that we have kept layering for years.  Some coats are so heavy that we can't easily take them off.
Just like an onion, when we keep peeling the skin, we reach the core and then nothing.
Peeling onion skins makes us cry!

Stop searching

I went to Gangaji's satsang with Joel yesterday. She is really a celebrity.  There were about 250 people.  10 min meditation, 30-40 min talk, and 40-45 min dialogues with the audience.

She said, stop searching.  It is already there. When we stop searching, we see there.
Interestingly, I was told exactly the same thing from the co-organizer of the event during setting up that we were helping with as volunteers.  He said, I already have the direct experience.  My mind just doesn't want to admit it.  My mind has a preexisting concept based on others' talk or experiences, and I am looking for something that my mind expects.  I already have it.  So, stop searching. 
Hmmmm.  Have I had the direct experience already??
Maybe, I should stop having an urge to search?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Goal of the Human Game in this lifetime?

I don't know if there is supposed to be a goal in each life, but I was wondering what it could be for my life this time.
I have been learning a lot of things for the last a few months.  Actually, I think the learning curve got so steep since 2012 started.  I feel it did accelerate.  Maybe, it is because it is really the transitional period of the Earth now.
No matter what, I want to get out from the Human Game.  I want to live my life, being out of the game, even though I am living in the Human Game as long as I have this human body.  I want to experience everything in the world, being out of the game. 

What is enlightenment??

Someone I met at the spiritual discussion group of meetup Joel started said that there is not such a thing as enlightenment exist.  He has been in the spiritual path for 35 years or something, and obviously he knows a lot and has very profound understanding on spiritual stuff with actual experiences.  He said enlightened teachers out there (as they claimed) are not real.  There is no such a teacher.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Enjoy being a player in the game

We all are players in the Human Game, whether or not each of us recognize us as a player.  Just like a video game, just enjoy the game fully as a game whatever incidents happens.  Each experience itself is meaningful and valuable.  Just don't become preoccupied with a drama in each experience too much, forgetting it is a whole game. 

Who is playing this game? 
Our true self.  Consciousness.  Awareness.  Oneness. 
No separation exists there, nor division, nor labeling, nor conditioning does.  Everything and nothingness just be there.

I understand it, but the question is how I can Experience it...