"Yum-yum." My sweet Lucky, a wild tree squirrel, is living in a Present Moment.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Totally out of social value

When we really See the Truth and live in the Truth, I think we would live totally out of social norms and social value, because almost everything that almost everyone regards as important or essential doesn't make sense.
The life itself is just a game to experience and learn something for spiritual growth.  It is totally illusion and hologram.

People are working so hard to make more money, better fame, more luxury, more pleasure, ...  It is a never ending dog race.  Having said that, since we all have been trained so hard to live like that, we could not think of anything else.  I think only spiritual seeking or awakening could get us out of there, though the old notion and belief are so sticky that they always nag us and try to pull us back to the original position.

When I woke up this morning, I felt like I was out of social norms.  Yet, I felt how lucky I was.  I have an eternal loving partner and such an easy life! 
I am getting out from the Money Game now.  I am so exhilarated at what will happen.

1 comment:

  1. That's nice Akemi! We all find ourselves somehow back in the illusion, after all, isn't that interesting?
