"Yum-yum." My sweet Lucky, a wild tree squirrel, is living in a Present Moment.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fear and Games...

There should be a lot of kinds of fear that prevents us from spiritual awakening. Joel asked me some times what would be my fear.
I have found one of the biggest fear I have.

I don't want to be a loser. I don't want to be a failure. I do want to win whatever kind of competitions that I may be in. Of course, I have experienced so many failures in my life, but I hated it especially when it comes to something I was really interested in.
Now, I feel like I am sort of a loser in the human game. At the same time, I can't "win" in the "spiritual game" either now??, because I haven't got spiritual awakening yet. That could be how my ego feels now?? I know it sounds stupid.
Win and Lose, just like Good and Bad, is one form of the biggest duality in the human game. As far as it is a "game," there should be winners and losers. No one likes being a loser. Everyone wants to be a winner.
Getting good grades at school is a winner. Going to good schools is a winner. Getting a good career is a winner. Earning good money is a winner. Playing tennis, chess, or the piano better than others is a winner.... and so on and so forth. It depends on each person which games are more important than others in his/her life.  
We, except for those who have got spiritually awaken, have no doubt that we all are separate beings.  We all are different and unique, which is supposed to be beauty in the physical world, but that is also why we always compare ourselves with others.  That's the game!  Human loves games so much.
Ah ha, that is because human life itself is a game called "Human Game"!

Who plays those games? Who really wins or loses? Are there really winners and losers?

I know all things are only our mind's creation. There is no such things really exist. We are just fighting windmills. Ego is so strong, so smart, and so protective for ourselves that it would do whatever it could do to keep us as far as possible from discovering the Truth and living in the Truth, manipulating our mind extremely cleverly. Adyashanti describes how ego manages to penetrate into every details in our life no matter how advanced we are at in the spiritual growth.

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